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Higher Purpose

"Magic occurs where we serve a higher purpose than ourselves." - E. B.


I have been through deep valleys in my life, experiencing suffering and pain, sometimes noticing my body's screams for help, sometimes ignoring them. I have gone through years of learning and development, getting to know myself better and better - especially my physical needs, my emotional needs, and my spiritual needs. I learned to accept myself, even to love myself. I have developed a sense of what is good for me and what is not, which people give me energy and who draws energy from me. I have learned to draw boundaries and to protect myself, but also to make myself vulnerable and to show myself. This long and instructive path - which never ends - taught me to be mindful with myself and my surroundings and to consciously shape my life. So in the last years I dived deeper and deeper into the philosophy of Yoga and Ayurveda and found a framework and a concept that gave me a solid foundation and a toolbox for my own philosophy of conscious living.

To reawaken this awareness of oneself and one's surroundings in as many people as possible is what I see as my task, perhaps even my calling. Even more, to bring the consciousness of people worldwide to a new level, that is where I see our duty as human beings, if we want to restore the natural balance of the world, preserve our livelihoods and keep the world livable for our descendants.


A balanced diet and access to education are basic prerequisites for this so urgent leap in consciousness. If you open your eyes and look at the world, however, you are horrified to discover that a large proportion of the world's children are denied these elementary basic needs - to eat and to learn. This moves me deeply, which is why I would like to support a meaningful and sustainable project.


15% of each participant's course fees will go directly to this project. 


In 2018, on one of my trips, I met a wonderful person. We traveled together through Guatemala for a few days and experienced unforgettable moments together. In addition, I could see the wonderful magical attraction Yanek has on children and how he makes them shine. For his selfless dedication and commitment to the people of Togo, I admire him very much. Therefore, I would like to donate 15% of my earnings to Yanek to support his projects and so that he can continue to put a smile on the faces of as many Togolese children as possible.

Über mich: Über mich
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